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Perspectivas da Prout

Sobre Liderança

Sobre liderançaDevido às múltiplas crises que desafiam nossa civilização atualmente, a necessidade de uma liderança boa e eficaz para oferecer soluções nunca foi tão grande.

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Sobre o Consumo

A Prout é uma economia baseada no consumo, que é bem diferente das economias orientadas para o consumo. Economias como o capitalismo veem o consumo

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Sobre Cooperativas

Workers’ Cooperatives form the main part of Prout’s three-tier economy model. They put decision-making power and wealth into the hands of local people.

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Sobre Comércio

Free trade between rich and poor countries can be disastrous for the less developed trade partner. Prout suggests ways in which less developed countries can build their economies and achieve greater equality in international trade.

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Sobre Democracia

While political democracy can and needs to be improved, Prout emphasizes economic democracy as a direct way people can take control of their daily lives.

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Sobre Espiritualidade

At the heart of the Prout philosophy is the idea of the inherent unity of all life and the spiritual essence at the core of all beings. Humans are physical, mental and spiritual beings. Political and economic planning must therefore acknowledge these three dimensions of life.

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Sobre Socialismo

Often termed as ‘Progressive Socialism’, Prout differs from traditional Socialism in key ways, including its three-tiered economic structure and its emphasis on the protection of the natural world.

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Sobre Sustentabilidade

Sustainability has been a buzzword for the last few decades, but the present ecological crisis demonstrates that it is impossible to achieve sustainability within the capitalist framework that puts profit before people and planet. Prout is based on respect for all living beings, as well as the entire inanimate world.

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On Markets

Through its policies of economic democracy, Prout avoids market failures by decentralizing the economy and putting economic development into the hands of local communities and regions.

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On Wealth Disparity

Capitalism allows the majority of wealth to remain in the hands of a small number of powerful individuals and corporations. In order to create greater economic equity, Prout proposes that each society decides upon a limit on the over-accumulation of wealth.

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On Taxes

Prout proposes to replace income tax with production tax to create and simpler and fairer system that discourages tax evasion and supports local economy.

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On Local Economy

Prout’s socio-economic system is based on empowered, decentralized economies, which build local wealth and encourage regional self-sufficiency.

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On Employment

All able adults should have access to jobs with decent wages in order to meet their basic needs and support their ongoing development. According to Prout, employment, rather than welfare, is the way to raise the standard of living and build local economy.

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