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Prout and Socialism Part 2

By Andy Douglas An anthropology professor of mine once opined that socialism has not yet gotten a chance to show what it can do. We haven’t seen socialism working properly yet. Perhaps that’s right.  In a recent blog post, I wrote about the mixed messages attached to the idea of socialism: how socialism has a […]

Prout and Socialism Part 2 Read More »

By Andy Douglas An anthropology professor of mine once opined that socialism has not yet gotten a chance to show what it can do. We haven’t seen socialism working properly yet. Perhaps that’s right.  In a recent blog post, I wrote about the mixed messages attached to the idea of socialism: how socialism has a

Prout and the ‘S’ word

By Andy Douglas Audio Version: Is Prout a form of socialism? Socialism with a spiritual face? Or is it something completely different?  Anyone who critiques the excesses of capitalism and posits an alternative might be, fairly or unfairly, labeled ‘socialist’, but in truth the question is much more complex. When you hear the word socialism,

Prout and the ‘S’ word Read More »

By Andy Douglas Audio Version: Is Prout a form of socialism? Socialism with a spiritual face? Or is it something completely different?  Anyone who critiques the excesses of capitalism and posits an alternative might be, fairly or unfairly, labeled ‘socialist’, but in truth the question is much more complex. When you hear the word socialism,

Another Now, Another Socialist Utopia?

By Michael Towsey Book Review – Another now – Dispatches from an alternative present, by Yanis Varoufakis, Published: The Bodley Head:London, 2020, ISBN: 9781847925633. Yanis Varoufakis is best known for his book, Adults in the Room. He was for a brief period in 2015 the Greek finance minister. Adults in the Room is an account

Another Now, Another Socialist Utopia? Read More »

By Michael Towsey Book Review – Another now – Dispatches from an alternative present, by Yanis Varoufakis, Published: The Bodley Head:London, 2020, ISBN: 9781847925633. Yanis Varoufakis is best known for his book, Adults in the Room. He was for a brief period in 2015 the Greek finance minister. Adults in the Room is an account