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Are we going to see an animal revolution?

By Antti Kivivalli. Back in 1945 George Orwell published his novel, Animal Farm, where animals have taken power and and “all animals are equal” – except some animals were “more equal than others”. That was a dystopian allegory of especially the Soviet dictatorship in post-revolution Russia, but it has been quoted a lot ever since. […]

Are we going to see an animal revolution? Read More »

By Antti Kivivalli. Back in 1945 George Orwell published his novel, Animal Farm, where animals have taken power and and “all animals are equal” – except some animals were “more equal than others”. That was a dystopian allegory of especially the Soviet dictatorship in post-revolution Russia, but it has been quoted a lot ever since.

Toward a Proutist Policy on Criminal Justice Part 3 of 3

A NEW APPROACH How to begin to move toward a different philosophy? And what policies might a Proutist approach to criminal justice embrace? Other countries have strikingly different approaches than the U.S. when it comes to the treatment of prisoners and success in rehabilitation. Germany and the Netherlands, for example, have significantly lower incarceration rates,

Toward a Proutist Policy on Criminal Justice Part 3 of 3 Read More »

A NEW APPROACH How to begin to move toward a different philosophy? And what policies might a Proutist approach to criminal justice embrace? Other countries have strikingly different approaches than the U.S. when it comes to the treatment of prisoners and success in rehabilitation. Germany and the Netherlands, for example, have significantly lower incarceration rates,

Population Myths – Islamophobia and Depopulating World

By G. Surender Reddy Population Bomb Myth: The family planning initiative during the Emergency of 1976 by the Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was at the behest of IMF and World Bank, which viewed with alarm the rise in India’s population levels. During the Emergency, suspension of democratic rights encouraged the regime to launch forced

Population Myths – Islamophobia and Depopulating World Read More »

By G. Surender Reddy Population Bomb Myth: The family planning initiative during the Emergency of 1976 by the Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was at the behest of IMF and World Bank, which viewed with alarm the rise in India’s population levels. During the Emergency, suspension of democratic rights encouraged the regime to launch forced