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Modinomics: Corporatization in the backdrop of religious tensions in India.

By Shriraksha Mohan India is a pluralistic society with a long history of coexistence among people of various languages, customs, traditions and religions. “Unity in Diversity” is a time-honored value most Indians embrace. Hindus make up about 80% of India’s population, Muslims about 14% and Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists and Jains the remaining 6%. A Pew […]

Modinomics: Corporatization in the backdrop of religious tensions in India. Read More »

By Shriraksha Mohan India is a pluralistic society with a long history of coexistence among people of various languages, customs, traditions and religions. “Unity in Diversity” is a time-honored value most Indians embrace. Hindus make up about 80% of India’s population, Muslims about 14% and Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists and Jains the remaining 6%. A Pew

Sobre Liderança

Sobre liderançaDevido às múltiplas crises que desafiam nossa civilização atualmente, a necessidade de uma liderança boa e eficaz para oferecer soluções nunca foi tão grande. Infelizmente, muitos líderes nacionais e locais estão exacerbando essas crises ao sucumbirem à atração pelo poder e pela riqueza. Seus interesses individuais e de grupo geralmente privilegiam uma parte da

Sobre Liderança Read More »

Sobre liderançaDevido às múltiplas crises que desafiam nossa civilização atualmente, a necessidade de uma liderança boa e eficaz para oferecer soluções nunca foi tão grande. Infelizmente, muitos líderes nacionais e locais estão exacerbando essas crises ao sucumbirem à atração pelo poder e pela riqueza. Seus interesses individuais e de grupo geralmente privilegiam uma parte da

Why should leaders care about Philosophy?

As leaders we are sometimes faced with big questions about life, direction, right and wrong etc. But if we just draw on our experience alone, we may not see the full picture. It’s helpful to have a basic understanding of philosophy to help guide us in the deeper questions we might want to ask in

Why should leaders care about Philosophy? Read More »

As leaders we are sometimes faced with big questions about life, direction, right and wrong etc. But if we just draw on our experience alone, we may not see the full picture. It’s helpful to have a basic understanding of philosophy to help guide us in the deeper questions we might want to ask in

Why should leaders care about Philosophy?

As leaders we are sometimes faced with big questions about life, direction, right and wrong etc. But if we just draw on our experience alone, we may not see the full picture. It’s helpful to have a basic understanding of philosophy to help guide us in the deeper questions we might want to ask in

Why should leaders care about Philosophy? Read More »

As leaders we are sometimes faced with big questions about life, direction, right and wrong etc. But if we just draw on our experience alone, we may not see the full picture. It’s helpful to have a basic understanding of philosophy to help guide us in the deeper questions we might want to ask in