Global Reality Check: How Is Our Planet Actually Doing?
With a quiz to check how tuned in you are to the current global reality, we look at how far we’ve come and how we decide where we are headed.
With a quiz to check how tuned in you are to the current global reality, we look at how far we’ve come and how we decide where we are headed.
Recent patterns of rising temperatures around the globe are challenging the assumptions of climate change deniers. We look at the issue in the light of Prout’s fundamental principles.
George Catlin’s interview with Roar Bjonnes, co-author of ‘Growing a New Economy‘ looks at the current economic status quo and where Prout stands within it.
George Catlin’s exchange with Roar Bjonnes continues as they explore how Prout can bring about positive change within the context of a capitalist system.
Sustainability has been a buzzword for the last few decades, but the present ecological crisis demonstrates that it is impossible to achieve sustainability within the capitalist framework that puts profit before people and planet. Prout is based on respect for all living beings, as well as the entire inanimate world.
Learn how Prout aims to support a Vibrant Ecosystem
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