Thriving People, Thriving Planet
The Time for System Change has Come
We are hungry for a new vision. Capitalism is steadily driving us towards economic, environmental and ecosystem collapse.
Prout offers a multi-dimensional socio-economic model, which enables us to move away from the current system that no longer serves us or the planet.
We can re-shape societies and communities by building a sustainable, cooperative economy, where everyone is guaranteed the basic requirements for life through meaningful, well-paid employment while living in respectful exchange with the Earth.
You can take Prout principles and apply them to your life, your business or your community. On a larger scale, they can transform our regional, national or global economy.
Together we can make a profound change to the way things work. We are building a network of change-makers with effective tools and a cohesive vision for the thriving world that we all long for.
"Alternative visions are crucial at this moment in history.
Prout's co-operative model of economic democracy, based on cardinal human values
and sharing of the planet for the welfare of everyone, deserves our serious consideration."Noam Chomsky, Professor of Linguistics at MIT, Author, Social Critic
Key Features of Prout
- Expands the concept of humanism beyond a concern for human welfare to a concern for the welfare of all living beings
- Serves the whole expression of human nature – people’s physical, mental and spiritual needs – in a balanced and integrated way
- Transcends the left-right political spectrum and acknowledges the positive contribution of many social and economic philosophies
- Supports a distributed network economy, where economic, social and cultural power lies in the hands of local people, rather than transnational corporations or nation-states
- Redefines the motives for economic activity. Instead of merely maximizing profits, often at the expense of people and planet, Prout will focus the economy on providing goods and services to meet the changing needs of society.
Basic Principles
The foundations of Prout are contained within its Five Fundamental Principles. These are simple but profound, yet not a single one is currently applied in today’s world of global digital economics.
Prout’s guiding principles provide a framework for the fair distribution of wealth and the sustainable use of resources. The aim is to ensure that all people have their minimum requirements for life and meaningful employment, while supporting the natural environment to thrive.
Once the basic needs are ensured for all, society can focus on gradually raising the standard of living. The goal is to support individuals and the collective to fulfil their highest potential in all spheres of life – physical, mental and spiritual. According to Prout – this, rather than economic growth, is the true measure of progress.
"Prout is an important contribution to rethinking the
disastrous course of the current economy and globalization."Hazel Henderson, Economist, Author of "Beyond Globalization"
Prout Perspectives
Take a look at what Prout has to say on different topics such as:
"Prout is very important for grass roots groups and for all who yearn
for a liberation which starts from economics and opens to the
totality of personal and social human existence."Leonardo Boff, Founder of Liberation Theology
Respectful Relationship with the Earth
Prout’s vision recognizes that all human beings are the stewards of the Earth and its resources.
This vision includes forming a deep relationship between human beings and the world we live in, using the latest technologies and science to support a resurgence of life.
Find out more about the Core Values that lie at the heart of Prout’s vision
“When the whole property of this universe has been inherited by all creatures, how then can there be any justification for a system in which someone receives a flow of huge excess, while others die for lack of a handful of grain?”
Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar, Propounder of Prout