The transition from meat to cellular agriculture: what are the possible impacts on health if by 2040 if 50% of all protein in the region
The transition from meat to cellular agriculture: what are the possible impacts on health if by 2040 if 50% of all protein in the region
By Nada Khader A major tier of a Proutistic economic system is worker-owned and operated businesses. This model is in contrast to the current “chain
A NEW APPROACH How to begin to move toward a different philosophy? And what policies might a Proutist approach to criminal justice embrace? Other countries
PART II HISTORY Punishment has taken many forms throughout human history. Binding to a stake, ritual cursing, stoning, barred social interaction—that’s what pre-Common Era justice
As Patrick, a former inmate states, “It started with the shaving of my facial hair and continued with the jumpsuit I was issued. I looked
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