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On Catalonia and Samaj Movements

Tyler Shanks looks at the political position of Catalonia in the context of the European Union and how its fight for independence relates to the Proutist concept of Samaj.

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Image Rethinking Green Economics: Beyond the Triple Bottom Line (TBL)

Rethinking Green Economics: Beyond the Triple Bottom Line (TBL)

Since the conception of the phrase ‘People, Planet, Profit’ in the mid 1990s, many private companies and multinational corporations pride themselves on adhering to TBL tenets.
In this extract from Roar Bjonne’s book, Growing a New Economy, he questions how effective it can be while we still operate within a capitalist system.

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Charlottesville – Double Standards and Hypocrisy in Media Reporting

Trump’s response to the death of Heather Heyer in the ‘Unite the Right’ Rally in 2017 triggered uproar from the media regarding his double standards when dealing with violence within different social and ethnic groups. But how far does the awareness of these disparities stretch? T. Shanks takes a look.

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