Technology or Digital Fiefdom?
By Shriraksha Mohan Economic systems have constantly evolved, and have been influenced by human needs, socio-cultural norms, historical events, and technological innovations of their time.
By Shriraksha Mohan Economic systems have constantly evolved, and have been influenced by human needs, socio-cultural norms, historical events, and technological innovations of their time.
By Shriraksha Mohan India is a pluralistic society with a long history of coexistence among people of various languages, customs, traditions and religions. “Unity in
By Roar Bjonnes In the past few decades, we have witnessed four main crises within capitalist countries – finance and inequality crises, which are a
by Shriraksha Mohan The Progressive Utilization Theory or Prout is an alternative, holistic socio-economic system to replace the failing capitalist model of economy. With an
By Mark Friedman Inflation has been a cause for anxiety and real difficulty. Especially in low and middle-income households and among the elderly, people feel
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