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Author name: Proutista Universal

The Great Arizona Water Grab

If ever there were an instance of the need for local control over resources, this is one. In Arizona in the drought-stricken western United States, land has been sold to Saudi Arabian and other countries to grow, of all things, alfalfa, which is then shipped back to Saudi Arabia to feed animals. Alfalfa is a […]

The Great Arizona Water Grab Read More »

If ever there were an instance of the need for local control over resources, this is one. In Arizona in the drought-stricken western United States, land has been sold to Saudi Arabian and other countries to grow, of all things, alfalfa, which is then shipped back to Saudi Arabia to feed animals. Alfalfa is a

Does Finland want to be known like Wuhan? Does Finland want to be known like Wuhan? Are the Finnish officials and fur farmers gambling with bird flu? Finland is still a country of forests and already in prehistoric times Finland used to export animal fur. But for the last hundred years it has meant wild animals living in small cages, bread into

Does Finland want to be known like Wuhan? Read More » Does Finland want to be known like Wuhan? Are the Finnish officials and fur farmers gambling with bird flu? Finland is still a country of forests and already in prehistoric times Finland used to export animal fur. But for the last hundred years it has meant wild animals living in small cages, bread into

Sobre o Consumo

A Prout é uma economia baseada no consumo, que é bem diferente das economias orientadas para o consumo. Economias como o capitalismo veem o consumo de mercadorias como o principal fator de lucro. Portanto, o consumo ilimitado de bens e serviços é incentivado, independentemente de a pessoa precisar ou poder pagar por eles. Em Prout,

Sobre o Consumo Read More »

A Prout é uma economia baseada no consumo, que é bem diferente das economias orientadas para o consumo. Economias como o capitalismo veem o consumo de mercadorias como o principal fator de lucro. Portanto, o consumo ilimitado de bens e serviços é incentivado, independentemente de a pessoa precisar ou poder pagar por eles. Em Prout,

“The Next Economy is Happening” 

An interview with Lift Economy Founder Shawn Berry By Andy Douglas Shawn Berry lives in upstate New York and runs LIFT Economy, a worker-owned consulting business that helps workers start or transition to worker-owned, cooperative, and collaborative businesses. The LIFT Economy website notes that LIFT is an impact consulting firm whose mission is to create,

“The Next Economy is Happening”  Read More »

An interview with Lift Economy Founder Shawn Berry By Andy Douglas Shawn Berry lives in upstate New York and runs LIFT Economy, a worker-owned consulting business that helps workers start or transition to worker-owned, cooperative, and collaborative businesses. The LIFT Economy website notes that LIFT is an impact consulting firm whose mission is to create,

Beyond Green Capitalism  

By Roar Bjonnes In the past few decades, we have witnessed four main crises within capitalist countries – finance and inequality crises, which are a direct consequence of the economic policies backed up by neo-classical economics, as well as resource and environmental crises. The two latter crises are more appropriately linked to the industrial revolution

Beyond Green Capitalism   Read More »

By Roar Bjonnes In the past few decades, we have witnessed four main crises within capitalist countries – finance and inequality crises, which are a direct consequence of the economic policies backed up by neo-classical economics, as well as resource and environmental crises. The two latter crises are more appropriately linked to the industrial revolution