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Author name: Proutista Universal

Ethical and moral tests to help leaders stay on track

Happy societies are dependent on the degree of ethics present. The more a society tolerates corruption, the more unhappy it is (1).  Societies with a good ethical base have leaders and systems that promote ethical behaviour and therefore can achieve greater happiness. Morals and ethics are related to the standard of behaviour that is allowed within a particular […]

Ethical and moral tests to help leaders stay on track Read More »

Happy societies are dependent on the degree of ethics present. The more a society tolerates corruption, the more unhappy it is (1).  Societies with a good ethical base have leaders and systems that promote ethical behaviour and therefore can achieve greater happiness. Morals and ethics are related to the standard of behaviour that is allowed within a particular

Population Myths – Islamophobia and Depopulating World

By G. Surender Reddy Population Bomb Myth: The family planning initiative during the Emergency of 1976 by the Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was at the behest of IMF and World Bank, which viewed with alarm the rise in India’s population levels. During the Emergency, suspension of democratic rights encouraged the regime to launch forced

Population Myths – Islamophobia and Depopulating World Read More »

By G. Surender Reddy Population Bomb Myth: The family planning initiative during the Emergency of 1976 by the Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was at the behest of IMF and World Bank, which viewed with alarm the rise in India’s population levels. During the Emergency, suspension of democratic rights encouraged the regime to launch forced

Creating A New Renaissance: Can Responses To Covid-19 Pivot Us To A Transformed World?

In this essay, we ask if there are any weak signals for a pivot toward a new renaissance trigged by COVID-19. Using the work of Arundhuti Roy as a starting off point, we suggest that six pivots are possible: (1) the shift from GDP to Wellbeing; (2) From Roads, Rates, and Rubbish to the Anticipatory

Creating A New Renaissance: Can Responses To Covid-19 Pivot Us To A Transformed World? Read More »

In this essay, we ask if there are any weak signals for a pivot toward a new renaissance trigged by COVID-19. Using the work of Arundhuti Roy as a starting off point, we suggest that six pivots are possible: (1) the shift from GDP to Wellbeing; (2) From Roads, Rates, and Rubbish to the Anticipatory

“AmaZen” is not a solution to Amazon’s worker exploitation

Amazon recently announced the idea of equipping its workspaces with ‘AmaZen’ – small, enclosed cubes in which employees can enjoy quiet and peace to “focus on their mental wellbeing”. These pods come with interactive kiosks inside, where workers can watch videos on mental health and mindfulness. Amazon, a company which catapulted its founder, and soon-to-be

“AmaZen” is not a solution to Amazon’s worker exploitation Read More »

Amazon recently announced the idea of equipping its workspaces with ‘AmaZen’ – small, enclosed cubes in which employees can enjoy quiet and peace to “focus on their mental wellbeing”. These pods come with interactive kiosks inside, where workers can watch videos on mental health and mindfulness. Amazon, a company which catapulted its founder, and soon-to-be

Beyond Covid-19: The transition to Gaian leadership

In late February 2020, with my colleague, futurist and epidemiologist Peter Black, we, wrote a piece on COVID-19 scenarios and implications. We started as our departure point asking the question, was this a black swan or predictable event? Our conclusion was that the emergence of this zoonotic disease with planetary political, financial, and health implications

Beyond Covid-19: The transition to Gaian leadership Read More »

In late February 2020, with my colleague, futurist and epidemiologist Peter Black, we, wrote a piece on COVID-19 scenarios and implications. We started as our departure point asking the question, was this a black swan or predictable event? Our conclusion was that the emergence of this zoonotic disease with planetary political, financial, and health implications