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Solving the Inequality Gap: Progressive Taxation or Economic Democracy?

By Roar Bjonnes When editor-in-chief of multinational business magazine Fortune, Alyson Shontell, asked in its June/July 2022 issue if it’s time for a maximum wage, she got my attention. Back in the early 90’s, when I was editor of Prout Journal, I published an article by Sam Pizzigati, co-editor of, which emphatically proclaimed that it is indeed time for

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The New Economy Movement Comes of Age

By Michael Towsey  May 2022 The publication of Growing a New Economy by Roar Bjonnes and Caroline Hargreaves[1] was a milestone in the history of Proutist literature because it was the first comprehensive introduction to Prout economics that firmly situated the Proutist agenda within the emerging New Economy Movement. The term New Economy Movement (NEM) is a rather loose description

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The Ukrainian War, Strategic Interests and Monetary Systems

Written by Liila Hass, Jyotirmaya Hull-Jurcovic, and Roar Bjonnes The Russian invasion of Ukraine On February 24 2022, the Russian Federation invaded Ukraine with devastating consequences for the country and the civilian population. In this David versus Goliath struggle, Russia mobilized over a hundred thousand troops against a much smaller Ukrainian force. Russia has about four times as many soldiers

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World Government: From Vision to Reality

An exploration of P. R. Sarkar’s contribution to the field of global governance  The concept of world government has been around for many hundreds of years.[1] Yet, the combination of cosmopolitanism and the terrors of modern warfare have caused an upsurge in thought about it in the twentieth century.[2] After each of the world wars, international institutions were established to

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The transition from meat to cellular agriculture: what are the possible impacts on health if by 2040 if 50% of all protein in the region is from lab meat and alternative meat? by Sohail Inayatullah and Ivana Milojevic This article is an excerpt from Inayatullah and Milojevi? (2022). The End of the Cow and other Emerging issues. Metafuture and CFAR.

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Cooperatives Promote Local Economic Diversity and Economic Decentralization

By Nada Khader A major tier of a Proutistic economic system is worker-owned and operated businesses. This model is in contrast to the current “chain store” phenomenon that we see in much of the world today, where capital has been concentrated privately and allowed to accumulate in the hands of fewer people, and where business owners have turned their businesses

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Toward a Proutist Policy on Criminal Justice Part 3 of 3

A NEW APPROACH How to begin to move toward a different philosophy? And what policies might a Proutist approach to criminal justice embrace? Other countries have strikingly different approaches than the U.S. when it comes to the treatment of prisoners and success in rehabilitation. Germany and the Netherlands, for example, have significantly lower incarceration rates, according to the Vera Institute

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Toward Proutist Policy on Criminal Justice Part 2 of 3

PART II HISTORY Punishment has taken many forms throughout human history. Binding to a stake, ritual cursing, stoning, barred social interaction—that’s what pre-Common Era justice looked like in some parts of the world. Old Testament justice, epitomized by the idea of ‘an eye for an eye’, was designed to maintain tribal unity, a step in the development of social systems—the

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Toward a Proutist Policy on Criminal Justice Part 1 of 3

As Patrick, a former inmate states, “It started with the shaving of my facial hair and continued with the jumpsuit I was issued. I looked just like every other inmate. Even after I reached general population, the theme continued. All shoes were white. All pants are blue jeans. All shirts are blue and short-sleeved. My coffee mug is just like

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