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Sobre o Consumo

A Prout é uma economia baseada no consumo, que é bem diferente das economias orientadas para o consumo. Economias como o capitalismo veem o consumo de mercadorias como o principal fator de lucro. Portanto, o consumo ilimitado de bens e serviços é incentivado, independentemente de a pessoa precisar ou poder pagar por eles. Em Prout, o consumo significa a satisfação

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“The Next Economy is Happening” 

An interview with Lift Economy Founder Shawn Berry By Andy Douglas Shawn Berry lives in upstate New York and runs LIFT Economy, a worker-owned consulting business that helps workers start or transition to worker-owned, cooperative, and collaborative businesses. The LIFT Economy website notes that LIFT is an impact consulting firm whose mission is to create, model, and share a racially

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Beyond Green Capitalism  

By Roar Bjonnes In the past few decades, we have witnessed four main crises within capitalist countries – finance and inequality crises, which are a direct consequence of the economic policies backed up by neo-classical economics, as well as resource and environmental crises. The two latter crises are more appropriately linked to the industrial revolution and economic expansion of the

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The problem with Wal-mart

The other day I was visiting a friend in another city and we had an interesting conversation. We wanted to go to the grocery store to pick up a few things, and as we piled into his car, he said, “Let’s go to Walmart.”  I took a deep breath and told him what I thought of this. (Don’t worry, no

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Consumption and Profit from Prout perspective

by Shriraksha Mohan The Progressive Utilization Theory or Prout is an alternative, holistic socio-economic system to replace the failing capitalist model of economy. With an emphasis on rational utilization and equitable distribution of the planet’s resources, Prout offers a model to build a world in which all people and the planet thrive harmoniously. Prout advocates for organization of an economy

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Is Inflation Just Part of the Ride?

By Mark Friedman Inflation has been a cause for anxiety and real difficulty. Especially in low and middle-income households and among the elderly, people feel powerless as they watch their living standards erode. Factors driving inflation the most – food, fuel, and rents – are things people cannot do without. The resulting frustration has been exploited by politicians in the

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Another Now, Another Socialist Utopia?

By Michael Towsey Book Review – Another now – Dispatches from an alternative present, by Yanis Varoufakis, Published: The Bodley Head:London, 2020, ISBN: 9781847925633. Yanis Varoufakis is best known for his book, Adults in the Room. He was for a brief period in 2015 the Greek finance minister. Adults in the Room is an account of his battles with the

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A New Renaissance of Local Farms, Local Food, and Local Economies

By Roar Bjonnes  At 66, I am old enough to remember when the local economy was still thriving. I grew up in an extended family on a small island in Norway. All the apples, berries, pears, and cherries we ate, especially during fall and winter, had been cultivated in our own garden. In the fall, the whole family—including my grandmother

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How Economic Sanctions on Russia Could Crash the Monetary System

By Tim Shanks The use of economic sanctions as a weapon is an ancient practice. The first recorded instance was in 423 BC, when Athens banned traders from Megara to strangle the rival’s economy. However, it was only in the 20th century that economic sanctions became a regular feature of international relations. After World War II, the predominant architect of

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