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These articles represent a PROUT analysis of important current issues, written by PROUT activists

“AmaZen” is not a solution to Amazon’s worker exploitation

Amazon recently announced the idea of equipping its workspaces with ‘AmaZen’ – small, enclosed cubes in which employees can enjoy quiet and peace to “focus on their mental wellbeing”. These pods come with interactive kiosks inside, where workers can watch videos on mental health and mindfulness. Amazon, a company which catapulted its founder, and soon-to-be ex-CEO Jeff Bezos to the

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Beyond Covid-19: The transition to Gaian leadership

In late February 2020, with my colleague, futurist and epidemiologist Peter Black, we, wrote a piece on COVID-19 scenarios and implications. We started as our departure point asking the question, was this a black swan or predictable event? Our conclusion was that the emergence of this zoonotic disease with planetary political, financial, and health implications was not just utterly predictable

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A NARRATIVE ANALYSIS OF SUCCESSES AND FAILURES IN MANAGING THE PANDEMIC Ivana Milojevic and Sohail Inayatullah THE NARRATIVE CONTEXT During the global financial crisis over a decade ago, the Financial Times (Yergin: 2009) reported that at its heart this was a narrative crisis. How one creates national policy and strategy depends on the story one uses. Depending on the narrative used –

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On Patent Waivers

U.S. President Joe Biden has signalled his support for the suspension of patent rights for COVID-19 vaccines, predictably angering pharmaceutical companies, which have seen rising profits during the crisis. Reuters reports that the industry’s biggest lobby group warned that Biden’s step would undermine the companies’ response to the pandemic and compromise safety. However, a report issued by the People’s Vaccine

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Towards a cashless society

“You cannot get a new economy without a new society.” – Alvin Toffler Barter Trade: After several thousands of years of hunter-gatherer living, humanity settled down on the banks of rivers, tending to agriculture and domestication of animals, around ten thousand years ago. They resorted to ‘barter’ in their economic transactions as of necessity. Early coins, primarily Roman and Greek,

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Are we ready for a real reset?

Reading the news this morning, I came upon an article that sparked my interest. It was entitled: “No more business as usual: in ‘The Great Reset’ business schools must lead the way”. Following my curiosity, read through the article attentively (you can also read it here), and skepticism took over my mind. In the article, the two authors propose that,

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The “Great Reset” of Capitalism, by the capitalists

In Davos, Switzerland, the beginning of each year brings together the economic elite at the World Economic Forum (WEF), whose mission is to “improve the state of the world, to involve business leaders, politicians, academics and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industrial agendas”. In April 2020, the WEF published an article in which it argues that

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The Lessons of Trumpism

by Govinda Donald Trump is without question the most divisive US President in modern times. Trump deliberately play into the racist sentiments of white supremacy groups for political gain, and yet he attracts black voters. He pursues policies that hurt the working-class while protecting the super-rich, and yet the same blue-collar workers vote for him in the millions. His personal conduct

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