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These articles represent a PROUT analysis of important current issues, written by PROUT activists

Becoming futures proof through platform cooperatives:

Scenarios of teaching and training in a changing world 1          The Challenging Forecasts A World Development Report “asserts that 68.9% of jobs in India are at high risk – and that number remains at 42.6%, even if adjusted for a lag in technology adoption.” (Verick, 2017). In the United States, economists Carl Frey and Michael Osborne concluded 47% of jobs

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The issue of pension provision

The issue of pension provision is becoming increasingly important for our ageing society. How can a stable pension be secured in the long term, even if more and more older people have to live off fewer young people? The pension system is based on the so-called intergenerational contract. This term refers to something very natural: the working generation provides for

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Protest against the military coup

A political refugee from Myanmar speaks out

The aftermath of the Myanmar coup On Oct. 18 the military junta of Myanmar, the southeast Asian country nestled between Thailand, India and Bangladesh, said it would free more than 5,600 people jailed for anti-regime activity, perhaps in response to its military leader, Min Aung Hlaing, being excluded from the ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) October summit. In

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The Invisible Hand Or Inclusive Flow? The Futures Of The World System

This essay is based on two speeches. First, for the Systems Change Alliance conference on the Beyond the Great Reset on May 16, 2021, and second for the International Conference on the World in 50 Years to honour Sakharov, June 4th, St. Petersburg. This essay first articulates the current planetary crisis. Then four alternative futures are developed. The first is

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Why should leaders care about Philosophy?

As leaders we are sometimes faced with big questions about life, direction, right and wrong etc. But if we just draw on our experience alone, we may not see the full picture. It’s helpful to have a basic understanding of philosophy to help guide us in the deeper questions we might want to ask in order to develop the best

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The Pawn That Roars, Selfies And Amusement Parks, Or Localism and Soft Islam: The Futures of Afghanistan

Professor Sohail Inayatullah is the UNESCO Chair in Futures Studies at the Sejahtera Centre for Sustainability and Technology, Malaysia.Jose Ramos is the Editor of the Journal of Futures Studies, Taiwan.Roar Bjonnes is the co-founder of the Systems Change Alliance, London, UK.Satya Tanner is a former Squadron Leader of the Royal Australian Airforce. She is both a leadership development consultant, and

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Sarkar on Afghanistan and the Status of Women

It has been heartbreaking to watch over the past few weeks scenes of desperation amongst ordinary Afghan civilians who are horrified to see the Taliban back in power in their beloved country. The younger generation in the capital city Kabul had grown up with freedom of movement, freedom of speech and expression, freedom of dress and the right to an

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Ethical and moral tests to help leaders stay on track

Happy societies are dependent on the degree of ethics present. The more a society tolerates corruption, the more unhappy it is (1).  Societies with a good ethical base have leaders and systems that promote ethical behaviour and therefore can achieve greater happiness. Morals and ethics are related to the standard of behaviour that is allowed within a particular group or by a particular

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Population Myths – Islamophobia and Depopulating World

By G. Surender Reddy Population Bomb Myth: The family planning initiative during the Emergency of 1976 by the Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was at the behest of IMF and World Bank, which viewed with alarm the rise in India’s population levels. During the Emergency, suspension of democratic rights encouraged the regime to launch forced sterilization to appease the global

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